Smart cities mediterranean

Applying European and International Experience
to the Mediterranean Region


Design projects and prepare proposals for submission to various funding opportunities (short term goal).

Provision of integrated smart solutions to Cities and Communities (long term goal).

Design projects and prepare proposals for submission to various funding opportunities

The objective of SMART-MED is to work towards, and prepare applications for funding to forthcoming calls related to Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors.

This implies large scale projects with budgets ranging from 1–25 million Euros, that are highly competitive, and therefore require extensive preparation, solid partnership, quality of project and proposal.

Provision of integrated smart solutions to Cities and Communities

The plan is to build up the SMART-MED commercial arm which can help cities to plan their future development and projects in line with the EU 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

Projects can be developed for cities utilizing EU funds through related funding instruments for smart urban growth and sustainable redevelopment.

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